Friday, February 19, 2010

Just another Friday Night.

So in my previous post I had mentioned that I was going to watch Valentines day with a couple of friends then one of them would come back to my house for a sleepover.
So as it turned out, a lot of people ended up coming instead of a few friends. Hah. And we saw like 20 people from our school, (other than my friends) and it was pretty funny. There were also these kids sitting behind us. When I say kids I mean it, they looked like they were 7 or 8! and they were all watching the movie and it felt kinda awkward, because they all looked like mini whores.
Oh also, did I mention the movie kinda sucked? Well it did. It was so like.. stupid. Major chick flick.
I was expecting a lot more. Also, TAYLOR SWIFT IS SUCH A SHITTY ACTRESS I ALMOST FELT LIKE CRYING FOR HER. I swear. This isn't some celebrity gossip site, but Taylor, please, stick to singing and being pretty.

So my friend came over and it was so.. chill. :)
It's nice to have a chill day once in a while, especially with one of my best friends. <3

Today, we basically talked a lot in the morning time, then i played this cooking game and vegged out on the computer the rest of the day. Isn't my life full of excitement?

I've been trying to pick out some books to order from amazon, but its soo hard to choose! Seriously, I go crazy when I go book shopping. I always end up being torn between like 1o books. -sigh- There is just so many books out there left to read.

'I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough' - Noah from 'The Notebook.'

This quote is from a REAL movie about love. One of the most beautiful of all time, and it wasn't even on valentines day. :) <3

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