Saturday, February 13, 2010

Once upon a time...

In a land far, far away there was a quaint little village called Doha. This village was ruled by the royal family of Al-Thani, and had all of the gold and resources it could possibly imagine. Doha, before it's rising, was a barren wasteland of sand, and it was always soaked with heat. It had come a long way, because of the 'black gold' that they had found in the ground. This black gold was so valuable that Doha sold it all over the land and became rich with wealth and happiness. People from all over heard of This village of Doha and it's popularity grew and grew into an entire Kingdom. However, with it's popularity, came bad things like arrogance and stupidity. The people grew pompous and thought they were better than all of the others who came into this kingdom. Doha then gathered slaves from poorer lands and used them for their bidding. They treated the slaves with no respect and again, thought they were better. However, even though Doha was progressing at such a fast rate, the people grew worse and worse. Doha then became a boring and horrible place to be, for there were other places much like Doha that were becoming much better than it, because Doha was much too cocky, they were failing

That right there, Is where I live. I've lived in this so called 'kingdom' for about 10 years. It's really not that bad, but its not that good either. This is my blog, where I will talk about me and my life. Hah. Sounds like I'm so into myself. But hey, what the hell? I like music, art, comedy and food. I also love my crazy friends, without whom I don't know where I would be. In every post, I will put a lyric from a song, or a cool quote, because I need something original about my blogs. And so the story begins..

'" The time has come" the walrus said. "" To talk of many things, Of shoes, and ships, and ceiling wax, Of cabbages and kings"' -- The Walrus and The Carpenter, Lewis Carroll

One of my favorite quotes evar. Don't ask why.

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